In click2sync there are fields synchronizable and these are called Universal Record fields. There are fields of the universal structure for Products, as well as for Sales Orders.
Product fields
- Product ID
- Title
- Variations (List)
- Availabilities (List)
- Tag
- Quantity
- Prices (List)
- Tag
- Price Number
- Currency
- Images (List)
- Url
- Videos (List)
- Url (YouTube, MP4, etc)
- Barcode (SKU, UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc)
- Size
- Color
- Availabilities (List)
- Brand
- Model
- Description
- Flyer
Platform dependant special/extra fields. Also known as Specifics
Each platform can require additional information particular to the features or functions that platform offers and that not necessarily can be considered universal fields, or fields that exist in a compatible nature in different platforms. For example:
- Category relationships
- Shipping configurations
- Status of publishing/visibility
- Locations
- etc.
The way this information is addressed is by storing it differently and calling it "specifics". Specifics are not necessarily synchronizable fields, sometimes they can be mapped to infer some value of other connection via "cross platform mappings".
Specific information is shown at the middle of the page, in case the platform supports specific fields. If not, you just won't see it on the screen.
Here is a video showing up this part:
Sales Order fields
- Order ID
- Status
- Date Created
- Date Closed
- Total
- Order Items (List)
- Product ID
- Quantity
- Unit Price
- Currency
- Buyer
- Buyer ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Billing Address
- Address Line
- Zip Code
- City
- State
- Country
- Shpiping Address
- Address Line
- Zip Code
- City
- State
- Country
- Shipments (List)
- Shipment ID
- Status ()
- Tracking Number
- Shipment items (List)
- Product ID
- Shipment Type (Carrier)
- Rating
- Feedback
- Messages (List)
- Message ID
- Date Created
- From
- Message
Data Governance: understanding update existing, fill empty field settings, readonly-ness
Depending on the platform that you are connecting some fields are "editable/mutable/updatable", this means that can change over time. When this happens, in your connection settings you may see next to each field name configuration, some buttons similar to this one:
These buttons help you to activate or deactivate (temporairly or continuously) the ability to detect and absorb/mimetize changes/updates from other equivalences or ignore those changes and not aspire to make that change on this platform/connection.
If you want to protect a field and make sure at all costs that no changes are ever sent to this connection and to this field, for example: if you don't want prices or images to change on a particular connection, you should make sure to deactivate both "fill empty" and "update existing" detection features.
Ultimate truth, what matters is time
At some point, the doubt of "what is the criteria" to decide what is trustworthy in most cases in general terms is the chronological sum of the historical data, in other words, the "newest" or "most recent" information.
So the philosophy of click2sync is to obey "TIME". The reason behind this is that sincronicity is an attribute of information that is tightly coupled to changes across time. At the end of the day, information gets deteriorated if is not curated, updated, or in an active touch with human feedback or human validation. This way, users can update, fill gaps, enrich entities of information anytime they want, and as this is the last action, this is considered the most valid information.
This is why every field and record of click2sync keeps track of its time mutations so this way it can detect what changed and what is a relatively "old" value.
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