process restarted processor no longer exists

If you see this message when running jobs, it normally means a new version of out job processors has been released and the default behavior is to shut down any job that is currently running, and swap the job processors for the latest, upgraded versions.

What should you do in a case like this?

Normally you only want to either trigger again your job so click2sync launches a new one.

But what if is a long process?

All jobs in click2sync are designed to be fault tolerant in the sense that when a failure happens, most of the jobs can understand where their last process finished, and recover the state from that part to continue operations. So most of the time you won't see a big difference in times because of an interruption of upgrade happened like this one.

process restarted unexpected restart

When this happens, it means something went wrong in the processing. There could be lots of reasons for this to happen. Most frequently, what means is that some field has a value in an unexpected format, got scrambled, or corrupt. This can also happen for a lot of reasons. The state of information that exists on click2sync can be altered by:

  • Your browser: (so it could have been a network failure, memory issue, etc. that happened on the client)
  • The job processors: (the bots that are talking with your systems, analyzing the information and making sense of it)
  • The API clients: (as the C2S API allows clients to interact with their data, a bad API implementation could send information in an unexpected way)
  • External platforms errors: (any platform you connect is prone to be failing at certain point of time and thus could have sent an incorrect information at some point in time to click2sync). Marketplace APIs can fail sometimes, Shopping cart websites can be down, Upgrades of systems can cause at the moment of upgrade moments of unresponsiveness, changes in schemas, etc.

Fortunately, we coded jobs for data integrity error detection and sanity correction. As this jobs make a grained analysis and depending on your size of data can take some minutes to analyze exhaustively the data for errors. These jobs need to be triggered on demand by you when you think some data could have been scrambled.

For this you need to click on any "stats" button of any connection, you can look further into what this button is about here: Stats button.

In this modal window you will be presented with a "maintenance" tab where two sets of buttons presented will enable you to trigger different operations of either just Analysis and of Actual Fixing.

  • For Products
    • Analysis
      • Analyze Integrity: Integrity means the internal structure of each of the product records. The analysis just shows a JSON dictionary/report of the different deteted bad patterns and its frequency or amount of detections
      • Analyze repeated ids: This is something contextual external to the structure that can also cause problems, the detection of repeated products with same product ids coexisting as separate records when they mean the exact same external record. This breaks big time with the click2sync design of the solution so if this happens, it is highly recommended to trigger fixes for this.
    • Actual Fix
      • Fix integrity: As mentioned before, fixes the internal structure of the products. Also returns a JSON dictionary report with the patterns fixed and its frequency/amount of detections
      • Fix Orphans: For many reasons some times there can be phantom products without equivalences or empty structured but occupying space visually and in storage, this is what we call "orphan records". Their existence helps in nothing and should not exist, this process makes sure to remove them.
      • Fix Linkeds: As mentioned here, some products have attached extra information/metadata that can also change from time to time and thus suffer from deterioration, so this job runs all corrections on anything specific that needs to be fixed.
      • Fix Stats: Stats is basically the number you see on red when there are pending changes to receive, to send, etc. Sometimes depending on the operations, flying stats can keep showing up although they should not appear anymore. In these cases, a fix of stats resets the stats sets, so you can recompute all your products and get the stats calculated correctly.
      • Fix repeated ids: As mentioned before, there should not be any repeated product ids on the same connection, this job removes repeated equivalences flying out there and makes sure the relationships are 1 to 1.
  • For Sales Orders
    • Analysis
      • Analyze Integrity: Same as with products, this means analyze the internal structure of a sales order and find any missformated value that could be obtrussive on a sync process
    • Actual Fix
      • Fix integrity: Sanitizes internal sales order values
      • Fix Orphans: Removes any phantom/empty/flying record (sales order), that is simply disturbing the processes or interfering with the right execution of jobs
      • Fix Stats: As with products, fixing the numbers of pending changes is helpful to understand what really is pending to be updated, and how much info is this. This job makes sure stats are reset so you can batch recompute changes and get the stats working back again.

category is mandatory

Very frequently when mirroring products from one place to other, you will find warning messages alerting you to understand that a simple mirroring of a product, on some platforms is not that simple and that for some platforms, additional information needs to be configured, in this case the category branches.

Some platforms allow you to automatically predict categorization (like mercadolibre). But some others need you to explicitly set up rules or manually specify the categories. There are basically 3 ways to fill this gaps:

  1. Manually set category on each product one by one
  2. Multiple batch jobs that depending on certain criteria assign a category to a specific set of products
  3. Configure cross-platform category mappings. On the upper right side of your panel, there is a menu called "cross-platform category mapping" you can access to this screen also with this url: https://app.click2sync.com/cross_category This is basically a table where each column is a connection and each row a series of omnidirectional mappings that can correspond to other connections when not filled or when an update is needed.

Here is a video with an example of a cross category mapping:

could not grab data, No available items to grab

This error happens when on the source store/account/platform/etc. there are no products to be loaded.

Click2Sync interprets this in a suspicious way, in the sense that more normally a store will have products than not have products. This is why when this happens, click2sync thinks that maybe something went wrong and not necessarily the store suddenly stopped to have products abruptly.

The easiest way to get around this is to simply create 1 product on this platform, so Click2Sync detects at least something that exists, and then proceeds to conclude that just one product exists in this platform and nothing more.